Friday, June 17, 2005

Impending Senility

What was that? I didn’t hear.
Could you say that again?
I wish I may, I wish I might
What comes after ten?

You told me that, you say? You did?
It happened just last week?
Sorry, but I don’t recall.
I must have been asleep.

Sometimes I remember, true.
Some things stick in my mind.
Often, though, you find it’s gone.
Bear with me; please be kind.

You mutter, underneath your breath
“Some cards are missing from her deck”
I’m trying, though, so give me time.
I’ll remember in a sec.

Important notes, appointments, plans
Come and go and wander past.
It’s coming back, I’m trying hard
What was it that you asked?


Bill C said...

I'm curious, what's the background for this poem? If you don't mind sharing...

Lia said...

it's just the way i've been feeling recently - like i can never remember what's important, because i'm so bogged down with details. all these little things that stay with me occlude the important things that i actually want to do and think . . .