Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Grand Circle

The Grand Circle is the collective name of a group of National Parks in Colorado/Utah/Arizona. They include Zion Nat'l Park, Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park, the Grand Canyon, and Mesa Verde. These places are among the most beautiful spots in the country.

Ebenezer Bryce said about Bryce Canyon: "It's a hell of a place to lose a cow."

Some Haiku that I composed while watching the sun set over the North Rim of the Grand Canyon (June 25, 2001):

Red and gray faces
Peer out at me as I watch
Clouds settle on rock

The winds chill my hands
As I sit high on the cliff
Beauty absorbs me

(Inspired by Emily Dickinson)
I heard a fly buzz
Breaking the pristine silence
In canyon's own land

"Some people say that the water of the Colorado would be wasted if it went straight to the Pacific, but it returns."
It returns in our memories of our experiences of the water.

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