Monday, October 17, 2005

Writing Exercises, Not Written

I've been meaning to write one of the inverted pyramid fairy tale news stories that the Phantom Prof assigned for a while, but I can't pick a fairy tale. Also, I've been very busy and keeping up with one blog has been enough.

I remember in high school, we were once assigned to write any fairy tale as Shakespeare would have. The idea was to get us used to the King's (or Queen's, rather) English of the period - intro to Shakespeare, or some such - so most of the class just wrote out a story changing all the "you"s to "thou"s and "s"s to "eth"s, but I actually had fun writing out a play, with stage directions and all. It would be fun to do that again, too, but it takes too long.

Straight writing is easy, but all this imagination and creativity has me tired out. I'll try to get back into it soon.

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